Sunday, August 10, 2014

Britt James- Months 5 and 6

With work, building a home, and most importantly caring for two children, this Summer has been busy and I am behind on everything.

I was  three weeks late in taking the 5 month pictures of Britt, so there is not much change in the pictures between his five and six month photos.  On the day of his five month birthday, we introduced him to rice cereal and he did much better than Ava had done her first time.  We slowly introduced it into his diet with only feeding it to him once a day for the first week and after he was eating it three times a day, we introduced him to carrots and he ate them right up.  The following week we introduced him to sweet potatoes which he also loved and then we tried going back to carrots and he was not having it after eating the yummy sweet potatoes.  

While he is not quit mobile yet, I have a feeling that he will be crawling by the end of the month.  He can get around pretty well by rolling, turning, and scooting backwards.  Unlike Ava, I can tell that once he is mobile he will be into everything because he grabs for whatever he can reach.  We keep a basket of toys in the living room and when we put him down on this playmat, he always rolls off of it and we find him next to the basket pulling toys out.  We are working on him sitting up and he does well unassisted for a short period of time but I stay behind him to catch him when he does fall over.

He loves to talk still and when he gets upset, he will say mamamamamamamamama.  Ava said dadadada first so I am excited that these words are coming out of Britt's mouth, even if he is fussy.  This does not happen often as Britt continues to be our happy, contented baby and can entertain himself, loves to watch his big sister, and is so easy to care for.

 Bath time is still is favorite and is sits up some and will splash in the water.  He loves his Sofie the Giraffe teether, his Lamaze Butterfly, and his balls even though he does not like it when they get away from him.  We have been putting him in the Bounceroo some, but he does not seem to enjoy this as much as Ava had.  

Britt is our loving little boy and we are blessed to him in our lives.

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