Sunday, April 29, 2012

Landscaping Project

When Travis and I purchased our home in May 2010, the outside needed to be fixed up as much as the inside did.  We mainly renovated the inside with only cutting down some trees, removing ivy from one side of the house, and painting the outside.  Our plan had been landscape the outside in 2011, but with us expecting Ava, we thought that it was best to hold off.
When the warm weather came around this year, we started planning out our new landscaping, but with every bed needing to be redone, we quickly found ourselves overwhelmed with options and spacing.  We decided to hire a landscape company, and three weeks after our first meeting we had all new landscaping in.  We kept some of our bushes in the front and on the side, but everything else was taken out and our beds were reshaped.  We are so pleased with the results and could not have come up with this variety of bushes, trees, and perennials.

A before picture of our home before we did any work on it.    

Pictures of old landscaping after we completed our renovations.  


 Pictures of new landscaping