Thursday, May 22, 2014

Britt James- 15 weeks old

This has been a big week of first for us!  First off Britt was moved into his own room this week and last night he successful slept from 8pm to 7:30am!  I did wake him up at 11:15 for a late night feeding and then he started fussing around 4:30 but I gave him his pacifier and he went right back to sleep! This is such a relief that he is sleeping through the night and will make going back to work much easier on me that I am getting a good night of sleep!

On Monday during tummy time, Britt had his first roll over from his tummy to his back.  Once rolled over he laid there for a couple of minutes so proud of himself and then he tried rolling from his back to his tummy.  I thought that he almost had it and was so excited for a double roll but he soon lost interest.  

After the almost double roll, I got his first giggle caught on video.  I love his sweet little giggle!

Lastly he found his foot and worked for a while to try and get his sock off.  Finally Ava helped him to take it off, she is a great big sister!
Now that Ava is sleeping in her big girl bed, we have lots of cuddle time as a family in her new bed. 

This week has been so beautiful outside that I find myself spending most of my day out on the back porch rocking Britt.  I am trying to get as much cuddle time in with this cutie before I am back at work next week.

 As for an Ava update tomorrow is her last day of school before the summer session starts next week.  Today was super hero day at school and while she does not have a super hero outfit, she does have a Princess Elsa dress and since Elsa can freeze things I thought that this was a super power and counted.  Ava was so excited to wear her Elsa dress and spent this morning singing "Do you want to build a snowman" and icing everything with her powers.


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