Friday, July 2, 2010


Yes the theme for this week is holes.  We found out two weeks ago that all of our fifty-four year old wiring needed to be replaced and they have worked for the last week replacing all of the wiring in the home.  The blessing is that we are replacing the wiring now instead of having to replace it in a couple of years because there is no way that we could live through this mess.  As you can see from the photos, every wall, ceiling, light fixture, light switch, and electrical outlet has been torn into so the wiring can be pulled out and replaced.  I really hope that this is the worst that the house will look and that it can only get better from here.  Sadly it is going to take about a week for the inspection to be done on the new wiring so they will not be able to seal up the holes and start dry walling the new addition until this is done.
Besides our new wiring this week, the front sidewalk and back patio was laid out.  We are going to have a brick sidewalk leading up the front and continue  up the current stairs.  In the back, we are going to do a stained, stamped concrete with a gas line that will run so we have a gas hook up for the grill.

New Sidewalk and Patio Layout

Our Messy Holes

Living Room

Living Room

Dining Room




Bedroom, notice that they closed in two windows.

Kid's upstairs bonus room

Upstairs bedroom, I cannot wait to get rid of the orange and brown heartbeat monitor design.

Upstairs bedroom

View of the attic that is visible while going down the stairs.

1 comment:

  1. AVS, Rooting for Project Swearingen from Vegas. It will all work out. It always does. Enjoy the journey. Good luck!
