Thursday, April 3, 2014

Britt James, 8 weeks old

Another great week is in the books for Baby Britt.  He had his first road trip to Kingsport this past weekend and he did really well on the trip.  On past road trips with Ava when she was  an  infant I would stop to nurse her but I decided to have a bottle ready for Britt and feed him in his car seat.  This worked out well and made it so we were not on the road as long.

I am not wanting to jinx anything by saying this, but the past three nights Britt has dropped his 10:30pm feed and has been going up to 8 hours between his nighttime feedings!  I wish that he would keep his 10:30pm  feed and and drop his 3am feeding but I have learned  not to wake a sleeping baby and at least he is making progress at such a young age!  Since he HATES having a wet diaper, we switched to Pampers Baby Dry during the night which is more absorbent than the Pampers Swaddlers that he wears during the day and I think that this has really helped with his nighttime sleep.  During the day he is going 4 hours between  feedings which is also great to allow me to get out and run errands during this time.

Britt has started cooing a lot more and I can tell that he wants to talk to us so badly.  This morning I started singing to him and he looked up at me and gave me a precious little smile.  He has the best little temperament and is happy has long as he has a dry diaper and is feed.  He still enjoys his nightly bath time and being carried around in the Ergobaby. 

Loving on Uncle Chace in Kingsport

 Meeting Aunt Janet and Uncle Richard

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