Saturday, April 5, 2014

Mommy Fail

Ava has been doing great potty training and has been wearing her Disney Princess panties all week without any accidents including a long car ride to Columbia. This morning Travis took his car to the garage and even though it was a cold morning, we picked him up and went to the Zoo.

We had been there for an hour and had just finished playing in their jungle gym when we were about to see the animals. I mentioned to Ava that we should go and try and potty and that is when she stopped in her tracks, said she had to pee pee, and then spread her legs and we saw urine dripping out of her pants.

I took her to the restroom and realized I did not pack a change of clothes for her. I was hoping I could just take her panties off and put her in pull ups and then just pull her pants back on her but once I got them off they were so soaked including her socks so I could not put them back on. It was in the high 40's so we looked like the worst parents carrying Ava out of the Zoo in nothing but her pull ups, shirt, and jacket. To top it off we ran into one of her classmates family on the way out.

Note to self, when out in public while potty training always have a change of clothes on hand and ask every 5 minutes if they have to use the potty.

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